Monthly Archives: January 2012

January Clustermeeting

This month we held our monthly cluster meeting at my house after we needed to cancel out snow tubing event in Nashoba Valley due to rain. We will have the snow tubing at another time.

Mikaela from Sweden, Christina from Germany, Alexandra from Germany, Anna from Brazil and Jennifer from France

Mikaela from Sweden, Christina from Germany, Alexandra from Germany, Anna from Brazil and Jennifer from France

We used the meeting to talk about driving with kids in the car, driving in winter conditions, car seats for kids.

It is a government requirement to have one meeting about Child Development/Safety Meeting every three month.

Julia from Germany and Anna from Brazil

Julia from Germany and Anna from Brazil

We also welcomed 5  new aupairs in our cluster who just arrived last weekend in our Boston area at their hostfamilies:

Laura form the UK

Laura form the UK

Jessica from South Africa

Jessica from South Africa

Leonie from Germany

Leonie from Germany

Laura from Germany

Laura from Germany

Janet from Switzerland

Janet from Switzerland

For all pictures of the meeting please go to January 2012 clustermeeting.