Tag Archives: travel

2020 Challenge: Collect Moments, Not Things

Common problem: “It’s the end of my au pair year and I have sooooo much stuff! It’s going to cost me a fortune in extra baggage fees.”

This post is about one way to prevent that problem.

I know it can be tempting. There are so many beautiful things and great sales out there. But in 2020, I challenge you to take a moment before each purchase and ask yourself:

  • Do I really need this?
  • Do I want it enough to pay extra baggage fees to get it home later?
  • What experience could I have with this money instead? For example, you might ask yourself, “Would I rather have these designer shoes or a ticket to a concert?”

Being an au pair can be an amazing time in your life where you have the opportunity to try new things and see new places. The more money you save for travel, the more of those unforgettable moments you will have to carry home with you.

Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.

Photo: Canva.com

Au Pair Travel Outside of the U.S.

If you are planning to travel outside the US during your first year, your DS 2019 will need a travel signature.  You will also need to check if you need visa to enter the country you intend to visit.  Obtaining a tourist visa is solely the responsibility of the au pair.

~Three weeks before you plan to travel, mail your original DS-2019 Form and a self-addressed stamped envelope (so your signed DS 2019 may be returned to you) to:

Au Pair in America
River Plaza
9 West Broad Street
Stamford, CT 06902
Attn.: Evelyn Blum

Have a great trip!

Facebook, Internet, Twitter

fb twitter youtubeJust a reminder about how important it is to respect your host family’s privacy and not share personal details and information.  This applies to all kinds of situations, including: personal conversations, email and social websites.

For your own safety, it is a good idea to be careful what personal information you share about yourself as well. You should not be giving out information like your telephone number and address to people you don’t know.

Once you post something on the internet (even if you later delete it), it can show up elsewhere.  Unless you have specific permission from the host family, you should not post pictures of them, their children or their home on the internet.

If you have a blog or website where you post in your native language, remember there is translation software.  So, even if you say it in your native language, be sure it is not something you will regret.

Travel and Vacation

With Memorial Day just passed and Fourth of July coming up next month, I wanted to remind everyone about program rules on holidays and vacations.


  • Host families are NOT REQUIRED to give au pairs any specific holidays.
  • Each host family will make different arrangements on holidays, some au pairs will be off and others will be required to work.
  • Au pairs should NOT make plans for holidays without checking with your host family FIRST.

luggage malias


Au pair earns 2 weeks of paid vacation during the course of her year.

  • The host family can pick a week and the au pair can pick a week, if an agreement is not reached.
  • All vacation should be preplanned (at least 4 weeks in advance.)
  • All au pair’s friends and/or family visits/vacations should be pre-approved prior to purchasing a ticket.
  • If an au pair travels with their host family, it should be discussed UP FRONT whether this is the au pair’s vacation or if she is working.
  • If an au pair travels with the host family to work, the host family is required to pay for her transportation, lodging and meals.

Important: An au pair MUST have her DS2019 signed PRIOR to her departure from the US. More info. about this can be found on the right side of this page under “Travel Links for Au Pairs.”

Traveling Outside US


If you are planning to travel outside the US during your first year, you need to follow these steps:

1. Check if you need visa with the country’s embassy.

2. Mail your original DS-2019 Form 3 weeks before your travel to:

Aupair in America
River Plaza
9 West Broad Street
Stamford, Ct 06902
Attn.: Evelyn Blum

3. Enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope.

4. You will receive the validated DS-2019 Form back

Have a great trip!