Tag Archives: University

UCLA Au pair in America Advantage Course

Time is running out to register for the Spring Session of the APIA Advantage Course through UCLA.  The class begins is March 28.ucla


This class is a great option for:

  • Serious students who want to master a university level class and earn credits from a major US university.
  • Those who are curious about the events that have shaped culture and history, and who would like a taste of the part women have played in US history.
  • Those who want to get involved and be a part of the community where they live.
  • Self-starters who will make the most of a more flexible, independent style of learning.

Looking for ways to satisfy your education requirement?  Have you thought about the APIA Advantage program?  By taking this course, you can complete your education for just $500 (or half of the requirement for EduCare) and learn so much about America and the community where you live.  The next session will run from March 28 until August 1,  2011. There’s still time to enroll. Register at www.uclaextension.edu/aupairs