Here is a simple snow day game plan…
- Play in the snow. Do you wanna build a snowman? Here’s a great how-to video.
- Come inside and warm up with hot chocolate (don’t forget the marshmallows.)
- May your own play dough.
- Play board games or Legos together.
- Ever heard of Snow Ice Cream? Great for freshly fallen snow.
- Look for more fun things to do on the APIA Pinterest Boards:
- Winter Fun
- Valentine’s Day (Get a jump start on making Valentine’s cards)
- Kid’s Stuff
- Bake cookies together or make some other fun recipe.
- Play in the snow again.
- Warm up inside taking turns on the Make a Snowflake Website.
- Make a blanket fort.
Stay warm & have fun!
Photo credit: Tony Crider (flickr)