Monthly Archives: June 2012

Au Pairs and Host Families schedules change in Summer!

Au Pairs and Host Families schedules change in Summer!

schoolsoutIt is important to have a meeting to review schedule changes for the summer . Kids don’t have school, but they still have busy schedules. There is often even more driving for the au pairs during summer, taking the kids to day camp, sports, and to the beach. Playdates are plentiful and need to be part of everyone’s schedule. Some host parents have more time off in the summer, especially if they are teachers. Make sure you schedule who is in charge, parent or au pair. Keep posting a schedule to define working hours for your au pair.

Vacations are often taken by families and au pairs, together and separately. Be clear about time off and working time. If your au pair is going on vacation and is working, she gets paid!! Good planning will make sure everyone has a great time!

Holiday and Vacation Reminders

With Memorial Day just passed and Fourth of July coming soon, I wanted to remind everyone about program rules on holidays and vacations.

•Host families are NOT REQUIRED to give au pairs any specific holidays.
•Each host family will make different arrangements on holidays, some au pairs will be off and others will be required to work.
• Au pairs should NOT make plans for holidays without checking with your host family FIRST.

•Au pair earns 2 weeks of paid vacation during the course of her year.
•The host family can pick a week and the au pair can pick a week, if an agreement is not reached.
•All vacation should be preplanned (at least 4 weeks in advance.)
•All au pair’s friends and/or family visits/vacations should be pre-approved prior to purchasing a ticket.
•If an au pair travels with their host family, it should be discussed UP FRONT whether this is the au pair’s vacation or if she is working.
•If an au pair travels with the host family to work, the host family is required to pay for her transportation, lodging and meals.