Monthly Archives: May 2013

Our au pairs enjoying the Memorial Holiday at Greenfield Village

To celebrate Memorial Weekend, our au pairs went to Greenfield Village in Dearborn, Michigan where they enjoyed a taste of American history at Henry Ford’s famous tourist attraction.    This weekend is truly unique since it is dedicated to Civil War Remembrance with many special exhibits, demonstrations and events going on.      IMG_0978 (355x266)IMG_0969 (355x266)IMG_0965 (355x266)IMG_0968 (355x266)IMG_0962 (355x266)IMG_0967 (355x266)IMG_0964 (355x266)IMG_0972 (266x355)IMG_0983 (355x266)IMG_0970 (355x266)IMG_0985 (355x266)IMG_0974 (310x355)

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Memorial Day: May 27, 2013

Memorial Day is a patriotic holiday in the United States of America, celebrated on the last Monday in May.  It is a celebration of remembrance for the brave service of men and women who gave their lives for their country.   Memorial Day was formerly called Decoration Day.   Many designate this day to remember their loved ones who have passed on, as well as remembering our service men and women.   Parades and dedications of memorials usually are part of the day’s activities.