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Memorial Day

Memorial Day

Memorial Day

May 27- Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a National Holiday which began in 1868 after the Civil War ended. Soldiers from  the north and the south were honored as a way to try to heal the nation. Now all past soldiers are honored. It is also a day that is considered to be the start of summer. Many towns have a Memorial Day parade in which veterans are honored. Many people celebrate with a cook-out or even a trip to the beach.  Here’s what’s happening in our towns:


There will be a Memorial 5K Road Race on Saturday at 8:30 a.m. The Memorial Day Fair opens 2pm Saturday and goes through Monday.

Veterans and their families are invited to an 8:30 a.m. breakfast Monday at parish hall.

The parade begins at 10:45 am at Weston High School and ends at the Town Hall Gazebo. The ceremony includes a flag raising, playing of taps, and wreath laying.


The annual Memorial Day Parade is Mon. May 30. It starts at 21 River Road, passes Wilton Center’s Veterans Memorial Green and . The parade ends at the . Look for floats that show support for all U.S. service branches, all U.S. and Wilton veterans, and all those now serving in Iraq, Afghanistan and throughout the world.

Today is a day to celebrate and pamper Mom. Help the children make cards or gifts ; plan a special meal or surprise for Mom!

Happy Mothers Day!!

Happy Passover!

th_passover1March 26 Passover-The first night of Passover begins Monday, March 25th and lasts seven or eight days, depending on your beliefs.  It commemorates the exodus and freedom of the Israelites from Egypt.

American Red Cross

March is Red Cross Month– Did you know that Au Pair in America will pay for the cost of a Red Cross class providing you have at least six months left on your visa and you are taking one of several approved childcare/child safety related classes, such as infant/child CPR or Community First Aid and Safety.  Check with your counselor for detail12-RedCrossLogo

Happy St Patrick’s Day!




March 17 – St. Patrick’s Day – St. Patrick is said to have given a sermon from a hilltop that drove all the snakes from Ireland.  St. Patrick’s Day has been celebrated in the US since 1737.  Traditional icons of the day are the shamrock, leprechaun, the color green and the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.   Au pairs from Weston & Wilton enjoyed the holiday together!

Presidents Day

Presidents Day

Presidents Day

February –18 President’s Day
School is probably closed today!  President’s Day
is a Federal holiday created to commemorate the births of former Presidents George Washington (Feb. 22) and Abraham Lincoln (Feb. 12). Throughout America, Presidents’ Day is observed by big sales in the stores, closed schools and no mail delivery.

Things to do with children: The United States has had more than 40 presidents. How many can the children name? Who has been president during their lifetime? Take a look at American coins and bills; who are the Presidents pictured on each coin and bill?

Valentines Day

February 14 – Valentine’s Day Valentine’s Day is a time of love, friendship, giving, and caring. Americans use Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to tell friends and family how much they care.  Children usually exchange cards at school.heart-puzzle1

Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras

February 12-Mardi Gras Mardi Gras, French for “Fat Tuesday” marks the end of Carnival and the beginning of the Christian fasting of Lent.  The biggest Mardi Gras celebration in the US is in New Orleans, Louisiana.  Rio de Janeiro in Brazil also has a huge celebration.  Find a Brazilian au pair in your cluster and ask her to tell you all about it.