Tag Archives: CBS NY


Cindy Garruba and Liza Galano

Au Pair in America was invited by GW4W (Global Women for Wellbeing) to their brunch meeting at CBS headquarters in NYC.  Liza Galano is a host mom in Suffolk County, Long Island and an organizer of the event.  Liza as Senior Director of Ad Sales, leads a team of global technologists in support of CBS’s Network Television division. She asked Cindy Garruba, Senior Community Counselor and Field Rep for APIA to bring materials for her group to learn about how hosting an au pair from APIA can help with working women’s wellbeing.

Viki Markle

Cindy was joined by Manhattan Community Counselor, Viki Markle at the event.  Both Counselors answered questions and gave out information about APIA.

The topic for the day was Women in Tech – Thriving as a Leader in Tech.  The panelists discussed their experiences as leaders and being resilient.  2 acronyms were a focus of the discussion;

Use your VOICE – Voice, Opportunity, Inspiration, Connection, Empowerment

Remember to be KIND to yourself and others – Keep Inspiring Nurturing & Developing

Nadine helping at an APIA event

Liza encourages other working parents to put in place a team to help them with childcare.  She considers her au pair to be so important to her peace of mind.  Currently Liza’s APIA is in her second year with her family.  Nadine is from South Africa and is providing 45 hours of childcare, sharing her culture with her host family and experiencing ours.

It was an inspiring event and APIA was happy to be part of it.