Tag Archives: Promenade of Trees

Stony Brook Village Promenade of Trees

IMG_20141207_142344On Sunday, Dec. 7th Suffolk County Au Pair in America host families and au pairs decorated a tree for the Promenade of Trees in SB Village.  Cindy Garruba, Senior Community Counselor for Au Pair in America, provided ornaments for the kids to decorate.  She also handed out holiday coloring books to the children gathered to give their wish list to Santa. Santa arrived at 2 pm in a horse drawn carriage!

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The trees are on display through New Year’s Day!


Au Pair in America Holiday Tree

DSCN0407On Sunday, December 8th the Suffolk Cluster of Au Pair in America gathered to decorate a holiday tree for Stony Brook Village’s Promenade of Trees.  Host families, au pairs and Community Counselor, Cindy Garruba decorated a beautiful tree with handmade ornaments. Over several years au pairs have made these ornaments at one of the cluster meetings at Cindy’s house.  This year the au pairs painted peace signs celebrating their home countries.  It is a truly International Holiday Tree!DSCN0416

DSCN0422There was a petting zoo, puppet show, carol singers and lots of fun while the crowd waited for Santa Claus to arrive.

Santa arrived in a horse drawn carriage!  Then the kids lined up and waited to tell Santa their holiday wishes.

Santa in SB
