Thanksgiving Potluck/Movie Night!

For our Thanksgiving cluster meeting, we ate lots of good food (thank you so much to everybody who participated), shared different holiday traditions and experiences, and watched “Three Wishes for Cinderella” (Tři oříšky pro Popelku), which is a Czech/German fairy-tale film from 1973. The film has become a holiday classic in several European countries and is shown on TV around Christmas time every year in the Czech Republic, Germany, Slovakia, Switzerland, Norway, and sometimes Russia. It was wonderful to catch up with everybody!! 🙂 

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Countries represented: Czech Republic, Colombia, Costa Rica, and Austria 🙂

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Elena from Costa Rica and Hana from Czech Republic received their Education Certificate after fulfilling the educational component of the program (6 credits or approx. 72 classroom hours at an accredited Post-secondary institution).