Child Care


Childcare focus

Whether you are at the park, in the backyard or in the playroom, stay with the children at all times!  If you are on duty the safety and well being of the children is your job.  If you have a middle-schooler, who is able to walk to and from school, or play outside with friends, you still need to know where he/she is and whether an adult is present. Make plans for when he/she will call you, where you can find him/her, and what time you expect him/her home.


With shorter days and colder weather, you and the children are probably spending more time inside the house. Please be sure that the house is “childproof” with these simple tips:

  • Children are curious; many small children put everything into their mouths. Be sure no small objects, plastic bags or long cords are within the child’s reach.
  • Be sure that laundry soap and other cleaners are out of reach of the children.
  • Keep medicines, and cosmetic items such as mouthwash, perfume, nail polish, and hair spray  out of reach of children
  • Keep scissors and knives out of reach.
  • Store the toys that belong to older children out of reach of babies and toddlers.

Welcome to Camp Au Pair in America!

When kids are out of school for the summer, it doesn’t take long for them to become bored and  sometimes that leads to sibling squabbles and mischief. Even though they don’t realize it, they are usually missing routine and predictability in their daily schedule. One solution is to make fun plans to keep them busy!  Read More

Focus on Play: New Ideas for Some Classic Toys

It is good to offer kids a balance of independent play time and play where you are actively engaging with them. You can make toys they may be bored with, feel new and exciting, by suggesting different ways to play with them. Try some of the ideas below as a starting point. Play Food/Dishes Teach Read More