Monthly Archives: November 2015

Healthy Eating – Downsize Portions


The holidays are upon us, and there are undoubtedly lots of new foods that you want to try. However, remember to keep things under control. If you constantly overdo it, you’ll soon find that your clothes don’t fit!

How much you eat is just as important as what you eat. You want to experience life in the U.S., but don’t feel compelled to pick up bad habits. Stick to the portions you would normally eat. The U.S. is known for its “supersizing”, especially in restaurants.  It is OK to ask for a to-go box and take home that food you couldn’t finish at the restaurant.

Also, check food and drink packages to find out what is considered a normal serving. For example a 20 oz. bottle of soda is actually 2 1/2 servings. Many things that are packaged in what appear to be single serving sizes are actually 2 or more portions.

It’s easier to maintain a healthy weight than it is to overeat and have a lot to lose later.

Veterans Day


There are over 19 million veterans in the United States.  We all have a family member, friend, neighbor or host parent who has served or is currently serving our country.  Let’s all make a wish for peace today and appreciate our veterans.

National Veterans Day Ceremony

The Veterans Day National Ceremony is held each year on November 11th at Arlington National Cemetery . The ceremony commences precisely at 11:00 a.m. with a wreath laying at the Tomb of the Unknowns and continues inside the Memorial Amphitheater with a parade of colors by veterans’ organizations and remarks from dignitaries. The ceremony is intended to honor and thank all who served in the United States Armed Forces.

Learn more about Veterans day by clicking here.