Monthly Archives: January 2012

Upcoming February Celebrations

Aupairs in our cluster will enjoy several celebrations this month including

Valentine’s Day- celebrated on February 14-


Presidents Day, – celebrated on February 20

Watch our blog for a Valentine’s Day craft that aupairs can do with their host children.

Healthy Eating in the New Year


Your orientation presenter probably spoke of the 5 kilos au pairs typically gain during their au pair year. If you feel your jeans getting tight, try these simple tips:

eat breakfast! Drink water- 6 glasses a day, summer or winter and more if you are exercising- downsize your portions–how much you eat is as important as what you eat

Do you belong to a gym? See our list on the right side of this blog. Aupairs, if you have found another gym in this area that you like and it does not appear on this list, let me know and we will add it.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Martin Luther King, Jr. was an important leader of the civil rights movement here in the US during the 1950’s and 60’s. This holiday (this year celebrated on Jan. 16) was created to remember his journey and to encourage public service in his memory. His memorial here in the DC area was dedicated last fall. Visiting it this weekend would be a great way to learn more about him.

Childcare Focus

At some point this winter, your host child or children will probably develop a fever, ie body temperature that is higher than the normal 98.6F. It is very important to realize that fever itself is not an illness- only a symptom of one. When your host child or children has a fever, his/her heart rate and breathing speeds up slightly and in addition the child or children will feel slightly warm. She/He may appear flushed and may perspire. Only give medicine to your host child/children with the permission of your host parent(s). Be careful to follow carefully dosing guidelines.