Monthly Archives: June 2012

Fathers' Day- June 17

Fathers’ Day is this Sunday, June 17. Plan to work with your host mom to prepare a Fathers Day card and/or gift from your kids, if you have a host dad.

Flag Day- June 14

In the DC area, it is very common to see a lot of American flags flying. The flag of The United States is a symbol of this country’s values and traditions. The 13 red and white stripes represent the original colonies and the 50 stars stand for the states. Use this day to teach your kids about your own country’s flag. You can find a print out of lots of flags in Kids Culture Corner at

National Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month

Children should eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Many children prefer the crunch of raw food- apples, pears, carrots, broccoli, celery and cucumbers. Use your imagination to make vegetables attractive to kids- make a figure with carrot stick arms and legs, a celery body and a round of cucumber for a head.