Yearly Archives: 2013


Many aupairs help their host children with their homework. It is very important to continue to keep the kids on task, even with the approaching holidays. Tips to help everyone can be found here:

Education Matters at APIA

APIA host families and aupairs have been provided with a webinar schedule for APIA aupairs to take online classes on childcare topics taught by our wonderful orientation trainers. Topics include everything from Kids’ Nutrition to Activities for Preschoolers to Tantrum Control. Our schedule of webinars runs through the end of 2013. Another first for APIA!

Culture Shock and Homesickness

Here are a few ideas to help deal with homesickness:
Make Friends- reach out to other aupairs and to your counselor. There is someone who has been through what you are going through now and will be glad to help you. You are not alone!
Stay in touch with home- but not too much. Too much contact with your friends and family at home actually will make it worse.
Get out of the home and your room- Exercise- get fresh air. Go out with anyone who invites you out.
Accept that it will get better- and that is the truth.
Make Plans- Go to a cluster meeting, make a coffee or movie date.

VAO Aupairs Look Ahead to the Fall

Aupairs in our cluster are looking ahead to the Fall. With schools opening it is time to plan activities for the kids as well as for the aupairs! We will be taking part in CPR certification, as well as attending our own and joint cluster events, as well as preparing for the holidays and continuing to greet incoming aupairs.

Washington Area Sites to See

There are many sites for aupairs to see in the DC area. We have already visited the Capitol and had a tour. Coming up will be many others around the holidays, throughout next spring and into the summertime.

May is National Salad Month

Slice up the following fruits to make a salad. Top with a little plain or Greek yogurt!

one banana, one apple, one peeled orange or tangerine, some berries, grapes or melon balls. Mix and enjoy!

Charts and their Uses in Childcare

Behavioral charts are useful to help children improve their behavior. A sticker or star is added to the chart whenever the children exhibits positive behavior. They work well with chronic problems likes completing chores, homework, etc. If several stars or stickers are earned, then there can be a reward- not toys or food, but a favorite activity like going to the park.

Focus on one behavior per chart.