Tag Archives: meeting

Canoeing and picnic in Concord






This month, we met 2 other clusters for canoeing and a picnic.  Au pairs canoed from the South Bridge to the North Bridge where we sat for a picnic.

This month, we had many good-byes for those au pairs that are going home this summer.For more photos go to canoeing and picnic

Au Pair Breakfast


This month, au pairs gathered at my apartment for a breakfast.  Au pairs that have little ones were able to bring their kids, who were the center of attention.

We started saying good-bye to a couple of au pairs who are going home over the summer.  They shared their experience and discussed future plans.

For more photos go to au pair breakfast

Snowtubing Fun


This January we met for a multi-cluster snowtubing event at Nashoba Valley Snowtubing Park.  Over 50 au pairs attended this annual event and had a lot of fun exploring this activity.

Counselors prepared hot chocolate and snacks that waited for au pairs after they came in from tubing the slopes to warm up.

Here’s our little group.  Nice smiles, ladies!

Coffee at the Charles River


In June, we had planned to go canoeing and have a picnic in Concord. Unfortunately, it was rainy that day. On our rain date, most au pairs preferred to meet for coffee in Cambridge. So we picked up some coffee and sat near the Charles River in Cambridge. It was a nice, relaxing meeting.

In the summer we say good-bye and hello to a lot of au pairs. At our meeting, we wished Natalie, Lena and Amandine farewell. Good luck with your future endeavors!

Au Pairs go minigolfing


Our cluster meeting in August was an outing to McGolf in Dedham.  It was a small meeting as many au pairs are vacationing in the summer, either by themselves or with their host families.

We welcomed Karina and Natalie from Germany to our cluster and said good-bye to Kongfang.

After our round of minigolf, we enjoyed some ice cream and chatted a bit more.



For more photos of our meeting, go to minigolf.







Au Pairs visit the Prudential Center Skywalk


On a beautiful Sunday in April, we joined three other local au pair clusters and visited the Prudential Center Skywalk.  It was about 50 of us and we had a great time.

We met in the food court first to chat, collect money and take care of au pair business.  We welcomed new au pair Eye and said good-bye to Carolina who is moving to another au pair cluster.

Once on the 50th floor, we enjoyed an audio tour and a beautiful view of Boston and its surroundings



Visit to the Beach

On a beautiful day in August, our au pair cluster went to Nahant beach.  It was nice for the summer arrivals to meet each other and more seasoned au pairs. It helps them adapt more easily after they have left their families and friend network to come to a new country.

We welcomed Laura B, Laura L, Victoria, Shiran, and Jaqueline.  We said good-bye to Tifaine who moved to another host family.

For more photos, visit beach 2014