Tag Archives: Boston

Host Family Picnic

Once a year, we offer a host family workshop.  We always make it a fun event that is interesting to host families.  They usually bring their au pairs, too.  This year we met at the Honey Pot Hill farm and we met with families from other clusters.  Host families usually bring their au pairs as this is a New England tradition that is a meaningful cultural experience.



We provided educational host family material, delicious apple cider and apple cider donuts and art activities for the kids. We had a great turnout, awesome weather and a lot of fun!

For more photos, go to Host Family Picnic

Coffee at the Charles River


In June, we had planned to go canoeing and have a picnic in Concord. Unfortunately, it was rainy that day. On our rain date, most au pairs preferred to meet for coffee in Cambridge. So we picked up some coffee and sat near the Charles River in Cambridge. It was a nice, relaxing meeting.

In the summer we say good-bye and hello to a lot of au pairs. At our meeting, we wished Natalie, Lena and Amandine farewell. Good luck with your future endeavors!

Au Pairs Go Snowtubing



This month, our au pair cluster joined 4 other clusters for snowtubing at Nashoba Valley.  The temperatures were not too frigid and au pairs were able to stay outside for much of the two hours we were there.

We also held a sit-down meeting during a break, where we enjoyed hot chocolate and snacks. We also introduced new au pair Annabella and said good-bye to Lara who went home to Germany. As always, our meeting gave my au pairs a chance to make more connections and discuss au pair related topics.


September Barbecue

Our cluster meeting in September was a barbecue at my house.  Unfortunately the weather did not cooperate and we had the meeting inside.  Still, we had a good time.  The turnout was great now that everybody is done traveling and the summer au pairs have arrived.  We welcomed Pim, Paula, Basia, Lara, Naemi and Fernanda to our cluster.  It was nice to see the new au pairs starting to make connections.

At this meeting we also discussed childcare issues such as how to approach difficult behaviors.  For more photos please visit September 2015