Monthly Archives: January 2010

Boston Area Au Pairs Go Snowtubing

Bettina's Au Pairs enjoy the tubing

Bettina's Au Pairs enjoy the tubing

The cold weather did not deter over 60 au pairs from having fun going snowtubing at Nashoba Valley this week.  Bundled up and nourished by hot chocolate provided by their counselors, they were well-prepared.  Bettina’s au pair group joined other local Au Pair in America groups for their January meeting.  These monthly meetings, organized by the community counselors, give au pairs another social networking opportunity, especially important in the winter months which can be isolating.  This group certainly left in good spirits!  Check out pictures from Bettina’s group at Snowtubing Photos

How To Beat The Winter Blues


We’re in the dog days of the New England Winter and many of you have experienced more snow and cold temperatures than you ever have in your own country.  Days are short, the nights are cold, which gives many of us the “winter blues,” characterized by mild depression, lack of motivation, and low energy.  It can also make you feel more isolated and homesick.

Here are some tips on how to keep your mood lifted during the dark months of the year:

*get enough sleep and rest – we need more of it in the winter – but don’t oversleep, which will make you more lethargic.  Sometimes a short nap can work wonders!  Relax when your energy level is down and give yourself time to rejuvenate.

*get out into the fresh air and sun as much as possible.  The sun provides you with vitamin D and improves your mood.  The air provides you with oxygen and you’ll feel more energized.

*exercise regularly. It maintains your weight, lifts your mood, releases stress and gives you more energy.

*eat healthy food.  Try to eat less refined and processed food (white bread, white rice and sugar) and more complex carbohydrates like whole wheat bread, brown rice, vegetables and fruit.  This gives your body more nutrients and stabilizes your blood sugar and energy level.   Make sure you drink your 8 glasses of water each day.

*Rely on your social network.  Meeting with friends over coffee and tea and chatting on the phone can brighten your mood.  You can always give me a call!

*Plan something that is exciting to you.  Looking forward to an event can brighten your mood: a weekend trip, a party, a sporting event, reading a nice book or watching a movie under the warm covers.

*Embrace the winter season.  Make the best out of what it has to offer – skiing, skating, sledding, building snow men, making snow angels.  If you don’t let winter bother you, your spirits will be brighter!

Winter Driving Tips

You are likely to find ice and snow on the roads in New England this time of the year. There are some basic rules to remember to stay safe in the car in difficult driving conditions:

  • Start early and take your time.
  • Accelerate slowly, especially on hills
  • Drive slowly to avoid having to stop while going up a hill, as it will be hard to start again.
  • Don’t make any sudden turns or stops.
  • Be sure that the mirrors and windows are always free of snow and ice.
  • If you skid, try to steer in the direction the car is sliding to regain control.
  • The changes in temperature sometimes cause potholes in the streets. If you don’t see the pothole in time to steer around it, apply the brakes before hitting the pothole and release them just before you reach the pothole. If you keep the brake on as you hit the pothole, it will do more damage to the tire.
  • Try to keep your gas tank at least half full.
  • If your wheels spin on ice, switch to low gear, even on automatics.
  • Leave extra space between you and the car in front of you.
  • Remember that bridges and exit ramps are icier than roads.
  • Ask what kind of brakes your car has and how to use them in case of a skid.