Back to School Tips
School has started again. It is time to go over a few, simple rules.
Going back to school often means changing schedules and duties for au pairs. It’s a good idea to sit down with your host family and talk about the new year’s schedule.
Make sure you understand the host family’s expectations for school lunches and homework.
If necessary, get familiar with the busing system and the car line rules at school. Please never let children walk between the cars. If you drive, please make sure you know the directions and how long it takes to get there. It might be good to practice the drive before school starts. Please make sure to observe the speed limit in school zones. Never pass a school bus when traveling in either direction when it is stopped and the bus stop sign is out.
Children bring home papers and information every day. Please make sure you have a designated place to put them so that your host parents can see them when they come home.