Homework Hassles
Once school begins, children of all ages have homework. Some children complete their homework without any adult help while other children need lots of help.
Homework is very important because it helps children practice and strengthen academic skills, teaches time management, initiative, self-reliance, and resourcefulness. Homework also teaches children responsibility, the sense of accountability for mistakes and successes, and it gives them a sense of autonomy as teachers assign tasks to them rather than the parents or the Au Pair.
Support, encouragement and guidance are key in helping a child finish homework assignments. What works for one child may not work for another. Here are a few ideas that might be useful when dealing with homework:
*Decide on a quiet place to do homework.
*Check with host parents if the television or stereo can be on while studying.
*Talk about a reasonable homework schedule. Should homework be done after school or after dinner?
*Should privileges be removed from a child that procrastinates?
*Can the child talk on the telephone or play with friends before they work on homework?
*Give the child a reasonable break. Some children can sit for an hour and do homework while others can only concentrate for fifteen minutes.
*Are there consequences for not doing homework?
*How much assistance should the au pair provide if the child asks for help?
*Be patient. Homework situations can be frustrating for the child and au pair especially if the situation turns into a power struggle.
*Do NOT get angry with the child. Discuss your frustrations with the host parents.
*Let host parents know if the quantity of the homework is overwhelming for the child.
*Show enthusiasm when the child puts forth a good effort.
*Do NOT do the homework for the child.
With these in mind, helping a child do homework should be much easier and more productive.
Please remember: Most of you have been trained in British English rather than American English. You may encounter words that are spelled differently here than what you originally learned – such as color (colour), pajamas (pyjamas), plow (plough) and harbor (harbour). When in doubt, check a dictionary.