Monthly Archives: September 2016

Host Family Picnic

Once a year, we offer a host family workshop.  We always make it a fun event that is interesting to host families.  They usually bring their au pairs, too.  This year we met at the Honey Pot Hill farm and we met with families from other clusters.  Host families usually bring their au pairs as this is a New England tradition that is a meaningful cultural experience.



We provided educational host family material, delicious apple cider and apple cider donuts and art activities for the kids. We had a great turnout, awesome weather and a lot of fun!

For more photos, go to Host Family Picnic

International Potluck Dinner


In September, we met at my apartment for an international potluck dinner.  It was amazing to see all the different foods of the world! My whole kitchen was filled with wonderful smells and sights. I wish I had taken picture of it.

We welcomed a few more new au pairs who enjoyed getting to know other au pairs. During this meeting, we also discussed a childcare topic. This month’s topic was “Childcare in your country” and we discussed cultural differences in childcare and issues that have come up for my au pairs as a result of it.

For more photos, go to September 2016.