As April is approaching, it is time for you to think about tax filing. As you should have read and heard general information about your obligation to file taxes, this serves as a reminder to you about the requirement to file taxes on the money that you have earned in the United States in 2011. Those au pairs who earned more than $3,700 in 2011 are responsible to file a tax return.
The issue of taxes can be confusing for au pairs, so Au Pair in America wants to give you some general information about paying taxes to the U.S. government. For general tax information, please click on the link below from the Au Pair in America website:
Please review the information fully, as it should answer your questions and give you what you need in order to file your taxes. There is a sample 1040NR-EZ form which is filled out with sample information. If you have more specific questions consult a tax advisor or the suggested links within the information sheet.
Au Pair in America is not responsible for the interpretation of the information within this document, or any changes to IRS rules or forms that may occur. Neither Au Pair in America, nor its community counselors, can provide any official tax information, and we recommend that you contact a tax professional if you have any specific questions regarding these matters.
Taxes for income earned in 2011 are due to be filed on or before April 17th of this year.