Monthly Archives: February 2012

Valentine’s Day Clustermeeting

We had a wonderful Valentine’s Cluster meeting on Sunday to celebrate this special day within our cluster.

Many aupairs contributed with sweets and other home made food to our international buffet.

At this meeting we were also talking about taxes, the aupairs have to file.

It was really great to see so many of our growing cluster at this meeting. We also discussed some questions about education and driving as an aupair.

Katrine from Denmark who brought her home made yummi cookies

Katrine from Denmark who brought her home made yummi cookies

Candice from South Africa and Susanna from Costa Rica

Candice from South Africa and Susanna from Costa Rica

Laura and Leonie from Germany

Laura and Leonie from Germany

From left to right: Jessica from South Africa, Julia from Germany, Fernanda and Rafael from Brazil, Anita and Linda from Germany

From left to right: Jessica from South Africa, Julia from Germany, Fernanda and Rafael from Brazil, Anita and Linda from Germany

Camille, Charlene and Jennifer from France and Christina from Germany

Camille, Charlene and Jennifer from France and Christina from Germany

For more pictures please go to Valentine’s Day 2012.

Snow Tubing in Nashoba Valley

Maria and Vanessa from Germany and Anna from France

Maria and Vanessa from Germany and Anna from France

Multiple clusters went yesterday to experience  snow tubing in Nashoba Valley together.  This was a fun event especially since some aupairs have never done anything like it before.

Laura and Ashleigh from the UK and Katrine from Denmark

Laura and Ashleigh from the UK and Katrine from Denmark

The slopes were pretty icy and therefore it was a fast trip down the hill.  Everybody had a great time.

Jaqueline, Gabriela and Camilla from Brazil

Jaqueline, Gabriela and Camilla from Brazil

Jaqueline just arrived a few days ago from Brazil and made already some friends during this cluster event.

This was one of our regional events which we offer to our aupairs in the greater Boston area next to our cluster events.

To see all pix please go to Nashoba Valley snow tubing 2012

Super Bowl/ Football

American Football Simplified

A football field is 100 yards long. The line dividing the field in the center is the 50 Yard Line. There are other lines marking the field off into 5 yard sections. There is a Goal Post at each end of the field, in the End Zone, one for each team.

Each team has an Offense and a Defense. When the Offense of one team is on the field, the Defense of the other team is on the field. The Offense has the ball and tries to score by getting it across the Goal Line – the line where the playing field and the End Zone meet. The Defense tries to stop them.

The Offense gets four tries to move the ball 10 yards toward their own goal post. These are called Downs. If they make the 10 yards or more, they get another four tries to move the ball another 10 yards. If they don’t move the ball 10 yards in four tries, the ball goes to the other team, or the team “loses the ball.”

When a team loses the ball, their Offense leaves the field and is replaced by their Defense. The other team’s Defense leaves the field and is replaced by their Offense.

Play is started by the Offense and Defense lining up facing each other. The Offense faces the direction of their Goal Post. The Quarterback passes (throws) the ball to one of his team mates. If he catches it, he runs toward the End Zone. If he makes it across the Goal Line, his team scores a Touchdown and gets six points. The team then gets a chance to earn an extra point by kicking the ball through the Goal Posts or two points by passing or running the ball into the End Zone.

If the team mate catches the ball, the Defense runs after him and tries to tackle him (grabbing him and causing him to fall to the ground). If he is tackled, play starts again at that point where the ball is. If the team mate doesn’t catch the pass, the ball is dead and goes back to the previous starting place.

Sometimes a player of the Defense catches the pass. That’s called an Interception. He then runs toward his team’s goal and may score a Touchdown for his team. If he intercepts the ball, the other team’s players will try to tackle him. Even if he is tackled, his team now has possession of the ball. His team’s Defense leaves the field, replaced by their Offense. The other teams Offense leaves the field, replaced by their Defense.

A Football Game is made up of 60 minutes of play time. The 60 minutes is divided into four Quarters of 15 minutes each. At the end of two Quarters, there is a break called Half Time. On the Scoreboard you can see the minutes and seconds running out. The team with the most points at the end of four Quarters wins.

The Super Bowl is the final game of the Football season when two teams play each other for the championship. The game takes place in late January or early February. For some people the TV commercials are the best part of the Super Bowl.