Tag Archives: education certificates

Coffee meeting for aupairs today

Today we met at Athan’s bakery in Brookline to talk about extension and aupair taxes. We had a great time to get to know a new aupair Aurelie from France who just arrived in Brookline yesterday. What a wonderful chance for her to find friends right away who live close to her.

Amy from South Africa, Aurelie from France and Dennisse from Mexico

Amy from South Africa, Aurelie from France and Dennisse from Mexico

We also could celebrate the third place of our snowman contest here today. Amy did a great job with her snowman with the Au Pair in America baseball cap. She got a ” I love Boston T-shirt” for her effort.

Amy with the picture of an excellent snowman build after the last snowstorm

Amy with the picture of an excellent snowman build after the last snowstorm

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Another aupair got her certificate of completion of her education part of the aupair program:

Caroline from Sweden got all her 6 credits which is the requirement to have during the one year as an aupair in the US.

Caroline from Sweden got all her 6 credits which is the requirement to have during the one year as an aupair in the US.

Left to right:Tamy from Germany, Dennisse from Mexico, Amy from South Africa, Aurelie from France and Caroline from Sweden.

Left to right:Tamy from Germany, Dennisse from Mexico, Amy from South Africa, Aurelie from France and Caroline from Sweden.