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Summer Fun and Safety

Summer Sfty June 2014

Au Pairs from Germany, France, Panama, Poland, The Netherlands, Sweden, Mexico, Spain, Namibia, So Korea and So Africa all came together for an evening of food, fun and making new friends.  We talked about the upcoming July 4th holiday, where to see fireworks and reviewed summer safety tips .

Connecticut Community Service 1st Place Winner – Lara Kohl of Wilton, CT!

CT community Service winner - Lara Kohl!Embracing spring

Friends gathered and  congratulated Lara Kohl on her distinguished award…. Connecticut Community Service FIRST PLACE  winner!    Lara volunteered her time to work at The German School in Stamford.     She was instrumental in working with children on both their German language skills, history and culture.    Volunteering in America is an important part of Au Pair life.    Lara made an amazing contribution here to her students.   She also gained  tremendous personal satisfaction in knowing how much she helped others.

International Bowling

BOWLING EVENTAPIA BOWLINGAu Pairs from Germany, France, Brazil, Spain, Costa Rica, England and South Africa enjoyed an evening of bowling.     Fantastic evening of fun and meeting new friends from all over the globe!

Au Pair Webinar Training Throughout Your Year!

Au Pair in America Webinars

Au Pair in America Webinars

Webinars are the perfect opportunity  to enhance the extensive training received at orientation.

Sit back, listen and learn; topics ranging from:  100 Activities to Do with Children,  Healthy Nutrition, Tips for Returning Home, temper tantrums, sibling rivalry,…and more…

Register at: and take advantage of these FREE educational opportunities!

Westport Arts Center

Westport Arts
Our  cluster event was held at the Westport Arts Center.  Au Pairs from Westport, New Canaan and Weston toured  Lynsey Addario’s  Pulitizer Prize winning photographic exhibit  On the Wire: Veiled Rebellion, photos  of women in Afghanistan.  Lynsey Addario, a Westport native, is an American photojournalist based in London, where she photographs for The New York Times, National Geographic, and Time Magazine. In 2000, she traveled to Afghanistan under Taliban rule to document life and oppression under the Taliban. She has since covered conflicts in Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Darfur, Congo, and Libya, and shoots features across the Middle East, South Asia, and Africa. Lynsey was named by Newsweek magazine as one of the “150 Fearless Women”” and in 2010 Lynsey was named one of 20 women on Oprah Winfrey’s Power List, for her “Power of Bearing Witness”.  A truly eye opening exhibit for us all.

Yale University

Our group enjoying an organized tour of Yale University.   Rich in history; educational AND fun!    Even enjoyed a Yale football game afterwards!

Yale UniversityYale University So Africa England Denmark

Au Pair of the Year Award

Attention Host Families!
Is your Au Pair a Superstar?

The International Au Pair Association (IAPA) hosts an “AU PAIR OF THE YEAR” award every year as a way to celebrate au pairs around the world and enhance the public’s awareness of this enriching cultural exchange opportunity. We know there are amazing young women who are deserving of the title “Au Pair of the Year”.

Help us identify these au pairs and nominate them for the award! All of the information host families need to know can be found at:

Black Friday – Holiday Shopping in America

treasure-chest November 29Black Friday is the Friday after Thanksgiving and is the beginning of the traditional Christmas shopping season. Black Friday is not an official holiday, but many people have the day off, which increases the number of potential shoppers. Merchants and the media use the term Black Friday to refer to the beginning of the period in which retailers are in the black i.e., turning a profit for the year. Sales are everywhere–set your alarm and hit the stores before the sun comes up to get an authentic experience this unique day!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving

November 28 Thanksgiving – Thanksgiving dates back to the first European settlers in North America. After hardship, illness and hard work the Pilgrims celebrated a successful harvest that they shared with their Native American friends. This national holiday is a day to feast with family and friends and most importantly, to give thanks.