Tag Archives: Fairfield County sitters

How to get your Host Children to lend a hand!


I was recently was visiting with a good friend and commented on the chore and behavior charts she have posted in her family room. With four kids, she found it can be difficult to keep track of who has done what and who had gained or lost various privileges. So, over the years, she has used various charts to keep everything on track. She have also created charts for host families and au pairs dealing with behavior the children may be having.

She forwarded this information for me to pass along to help you work with your host families and the children.

Having chores teaches children that they are an important part of the family and their efforts count. This teaches responsibility and promotes positive self-esteem.
Blank Chore Chart
Chore Chart with Basic Chores

Come and Celebrate Au Pair in America’s 25th Birthday in Wilton!

            Yokrikit and apialogoYou are invited to celebrate Au Pair in America’s 25th birthday with a


Mommy and Me Breakfast.


Meet au pairs from all over the world who will assist your children in making a lovely craft and listen to a story.


Find out more about how hosting an au pair can expand your family’s world.


See some wonderful holiday outfits that can really “deck” out your children.


Monday, November 14th


krik-it, 5 River Road, Wilton