Tag Archives: Cindy Garruba

Why Choose Au Pair in America?

• Exclusive educational opportunity with UCLA.

• First and largest organization to be designated by Department of State.

• Placed more than 84,000 au pairs since 1986.

• Organization strength—46 years of cultural exchange experience.

• A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau.

• 170+ Professional Community counselors throughout the country. Average years with program: 9 Years.

• Recruit from over 60 countries worldwide with 33 scheduled arrival dates.

• Free Red Cross Training and CPR certification to au pairs.

• Global Awareness (exclusive to au pair in America)

• Child Care protection plan.

• 94% of host families would recommend the APIA program to a friend! (Incredible!)

• State of the art on line matching system! FREE Self search feature available 24/7.

• Ground transportation to airport/train station after orientation.

• Orientation staff has 20 + years of experience withAu Pair in America.

 • 24/7 emergency assistance should you need it.

• Multi-tiered screening process.


Along with all these great reasons to select Au Pair in America for your childcare needs, you also get me.  I am a Senior Community Counselor, working with families and au pairs for 10 years.  I love my job and really believe in providing excellent customer service to both Host Families and Au Pairs!! 

  I am often asked why a family should choose Au Pair in America.  There are many reasons I believe we are the best Au Pair agency and thought a list of reasons might help families understand the quality of service they will receive from Au Pair in America.