Sunday, November 13 the Suffolk Cluster of Au Pair in America began preparing for the upcoming holiday season in the USA.
Senior Community Counselor, Cindy Garruba began the meeting by discussing what holidays are celebrated in the USA. She explained why we celebrate Thanksgiving and how important the holiday is for all Americans. She then continued the discussion with conversations on the holidays their families may be celebrating, Hanakkuh, Christmas and New Year’s. There was a discussion on childcare during this happy, but very hectic season.
The au pairs divided into small groups to discuss childcare challenges by age group. Then they came together to discuss the best ways to deal with these challenges. Cindy emphasized using each other as resources for how to deal with situations. Holiday childcare can bring on tired, over excited behaviors and it is important to minimize stress during this season with their host children.
We also discussed being homesick at this time of year, best ways to deal with missing family and friends. Cindy encouraged the au pairs to bring some of their holiday traditions into their host families celebrations. Then the au pairs decorated ornaments to be hung on a Au Pair in America Holiday Tree in Stony Brook Village Promenade of Trees. The meeting concluded with pumpkin pie and apple cider. The au pairs enjoyed the Thanksgiving dessert and spending time with each other.