Monthly Archives: September 2012

Remembering 9/11

9-11-01candleangellarge-250x300Most Americans remember where they were the moment the planes hit the twin towers, the pentagon and went down in the field in Pennsylvania.  I remember the au pairs who were in my cluster at that time – September 2001.

My thanks to Cindy Garubba, an Au Pair in America Counselor from Suffolk County NY (another area which was hit hard by 9/11) for this piece which I added to.

I was proud of every au pair in my cluster on that day and the days following.  They were just as stunned as every American, their families and friends at home were worried that they were in harm’s way and the children in their care were scared.  Not one of the young woman in my cluster in Bethesda, Potomac, Cabin John and Glen Echo was too scared to stay, too worried about themselves to comfort their host children or continue with their duties – many Au Pairs in this emergency situation had to take over when parents were stuck out of town because airports were closed. They responded with compassion, bravery and were an inspiration to me.  Young women from all over the world stepped up at that difficult time, they spread cultural understanding and world peace through their example.   Thank you.

I recall an Au Pair who could never remember to close the garage door and it was frustrating to the host family, but on 9/11 both her host parents had flown to NYC for business and they couldn’t return for several days as all transportation had ceased to operate. For a time, in the chaos, they couldn’t even find each other in the city. The Au Pair was amazing!  She kept the children (including one with a special need) calm and safe and helped the host parents find each other and assure them the children were safe…She was, indeed, one of MANY Au Pair heroes!

Today we remember that tragic day with acts of kindness.  We hold each other closer, care more deeply and do for others.  Remember to live in the moment, care about your fellow human beings and give to each other!