Monthly Archives: May 2016

“We Love Our Au Pairs” Awards Party

It was a perfect night for our Annual Au Pair Awards Party this year titled “We Love Our Au Pairs”.cake

Each Host Family was asked to nominate their Au Pair for an award for whatever she does best. Some awards were serious and some were humorous, but they all were intended to show gratitude for the hours and care that their Au Pair brings to their family.Group photo1

Held at the Kentlands Clubhouse, in Gaithersburg, the invitation from Senior Community Counselor, Victoria Paton, to each Au Pair read: “Put on Your Party Dress and be my guest as you are honored at our Annual Au Pair Awards Dessert Party”.  And dress-up they did!

Eating cake Party roomEach Au Pair was asked to come up one-by-one to the podium as Victoria read their Award. Then, the Au Pair was presented with a rose (a la The Bachelor) and a paper certificate as she posed for a souvenir photo.

Awards included: “Simply the Best Au Pair”,  “The Au Pair Most Eager to Join the Family for Anything and Everything:, “Most Mileage Driven,”Best Playdough Creater, Baker and Friend”, ” Most Caring Cook Ever”, ” Best Birthday Decorator”, “Best to Bond with Entire Family”, “Most Like a Big Sister”, “Best Banana Pancake Maker”, “Best Minecraft Coach”, “Sweetest, Kindest Au Pair”, “Most Punctual”, “Happiest and Most Accommodating Au Pair”, “Most Laid Back Au Pair”, “Queen of Hide and Seek”, “Safest Driver”, “Best Science Tutor and Chef”, “Best Uno Player and Most Beautiful Smile”, “Most Trustworthy and Sensible”, “Best Lego Builder, Hairdresser, Manicurist and Cuddler” etc.

Lots of love, good wishes and  a Karla great evening for all!

arleneShantalHyang EunCaraDaneGuguMelanie


Polish galsballoon releaseThe cake was almost too pretty to cut up and serve, but we all enjoyed the dessert during the ceremony then we all went outdoors as the sun set for a balloon release. Each Au Pair was asked to write on a card what her hopes, dreams or a wish was. It was attached to an APIA red balloon and sent off into the sky. Let’s hope all their dreams will come true!balloons off

Handling Miscellaneous Household Expenses or “Petty Cash” with Au Pairs

As summer has arrived, the kids may be home more often requiring Au Pairs to spend “petty cash” on snacks for the children at the pool, taking them to the movies, crafts projects, lunches in the day etc.

So, here is is a tip on “Handling Expenses” by Au Pair in America Senior Community Counselor – Christine Connally of Bowie, MD

May 15, 2014 – 12:56 am

Miscellaneous Expenses

There are different ways to handle the little day to day expenses that come up.  Things like when an au pair takes the kids out for ice cream or picks up a gallon of milk.  Some families keep a cookie jar fund, a little cash that they set aside weekly or monthly for this kind of expenses.  Here are some suggestions for avoiding problems with expenses.

Host Families

  • It’s important to be clear about how long this money should last and what types of expenses are approved.
  • Let the au pair know whether or not you expect receipts.

Au Pairs

  • Only spend the money on approved expenses.
  • If it is something you are not sure about, ask first.
  • Put your receipts in the cookie jar in place of the money to avoid any confusion.

Gas and Fare Cards

Host families are responsible for the au pair’s transportation costs:

  • to and from classes and cluster meetings
  • driving the kids

It is a good idea to figure out how much gas an au pair will use for these trips and either put gas in the car or give a gas allowance.   If your au pair is riding to classes or cluster meetings with another au pair, you should offer to share the cost of gas.

Au pairs are responsible for their own transportation at all other times.  You should replace the amount of gas used for personal use.

National Pancake Day at IHOP

A fun group of pancake-loving Au Pairs joined their Counselor, Victoria Paton, at the Rockville Pike IHOP on National Pancake Day. Every Au Pair dove into a free short-stack while they chatted and met new friends. We even had the pleasure of a pair of twins who ate their pancakes from within their stroller for comfort.20160308_104929 20160308_110956





Our cluster donated $100 to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society 20160308_114224who were raising money via Pancake Day.

Country Line Dancing Was a Big Hit!

Over 60 Au Pairs in Montgomery County participated in a heel-kicking, boot-tapping country line dance class with our favorite instructor Mary who is always thrilled with the Au Pair’s enthusiasm.20160404_195125

Potomac Community Center was the venue for this year’s class which featured country line steps to more contemporary tunes….and it was a blast!20160404_195402

Something so fun and aerobic, was a great way for the Au Pairs, from over 20 countries, to experience something so truly American!

Au Pairs Prepare Now for Summer with Pool Safety Class

Au Pairs in Victoria Paton’s Cluster gathered in our Rockville “Cluster Cottage” to brush-up on their pool safety skills for both public and home swimming this jumping in

Life guard Aileen Farrell of Montgomery Country spoke about being vigilant (do not rely on the pool life guard to watch your children – you must also be vigilant), what drowning looks like across a crowded pool – hint: it is less obvious than you’d think, talking to host parents before pool season about escorting children to changing rooms/toilets, using objects at pool-side for water rescues etc.pool safety

Please take a look at the video now. It could save a life.

Here is another useful video.

The American Red Cross provides very useful information here.

DC Metro Area Cultural Fair – Mega Success!

A Cultural Fair is considered a success when over 200 Au Pairs have a fantastic time representing their countries by hosting a country table, performing or face painting. It is considered a mega-success, however, when an additional 1000 guests (host parents and children, general public and VIP’s) attend and walk away having really enjoyed themselves amongst the energy that brings people together through the Au Pair in America program.

On Sunday, May 1st, Au Pairs from 36 countries, enthusiastically welcomed all those who stopped at their tables. The energy was palpable for all 3-hours of the DC Metro Area Cultural Fair 2016 at Nationals Park.

Throughout the afternoon we were treated to wonderful performances too:southe Africa

perf 4Costa Rican Au Pairs sang in Spanish “Beautiful Costa Ricans,” and “Sugar Cane”.  performance 1perf 2













Thai Au Pairs danced in their national perucostumes to “Fawn Thai” a traditional Thai folk dance

Singer Marion Raffin of France performed a solo of the classic “La Vie En Rose”.

Lillian Tshabalala of South Africa sang several solos including: “Qongqothwane – Beetle”, “Mama Thembu – a Wedding Song”, and “Malaika – My Angel”.

Zane Feldmane from Latvia presented “Bedu Manu Lielu Bedu or Trouble My Grefacepaintingat Trouble”.

Two singers from Poland gave us “Nie Mam Nic – I Have Nothing” and “Czas Nas Uczy Pogody – Time Teaches Us Serenity”.

Colombia rounded-off the performances with “Checumbia” a traditional Colombian folk dance and several songs.perf 3

Children visiting eachreceived a passport anlqtviad it was quickly filled with country, flag stickers as they “traveled the world”.  Some kids colored place mats to take home and others, still, wore home some fun face painting designs and globe tattoos.


Over 30 DC Metro area Community Counselors (from Richmond to Baltimore, Cabin John to Virginia Beach) worked from March to May to organize all the pieces that went into the Fair. On this chilly May afternoon, they all posed for a quick group photo having made a significant contribution to a fun event and the spirit of international understanding.
