Monthly Archives: July 2016

Community Counselor Has Reunion with Au Pair in Italy

Milan is a beautiful city, and that is where Victoria Paton, Senior Community Counselor in Maryland and Sara Canclini were reunited.  Sara had recently finished her year in Victoria’s cluster and returned to her family and work in Milan. As Sara had been too busy saying goodbye to friends and her host family before her departure from the US, she had not had a chance to receive her completion certificate for her amazing year with a wonderful family in Avenel (Potomac) where she cared for 2 school-aged children.ry%3D400

Victoria, who was visiting Italy for work and pleasure, decided to present the certificate to Sara personally – in the Piazza del Duomo So they arranged to meet on the steps of the Milan Cathedral and, in the company of Sara’s friend (and hundreds of on-lookers/tourists), acted out a formal certificate presentation. Italy shopping

How fun it was to catch-up over a cappuccino and to spend some time strolling the beautiful streets of Milan!

Au Pair in America places  many Au Pairs from Italy. These young women excel in childcare, have strong English skills and are skilled drivers.Firenze

So it was a great treat  to return to Milan and Florence to become more familiar with the culture and life of the Italian people…and her Au Pairs.