Winter Driving

Well, the first snow is here, and yeah, sure, it’s pretty. But don’t forget how difficult it can be to get used to driving in snowy conditions. It takes longer to stop and start moving, but don’t just push harder on the brakes or the gas, because that can make you ‘fishtail’ out of control. Press on the brakes and the gas lighter than usual and the car will stay in control.

If you do start to skid, don’t panic! Keep steering your wheels in the way you want to go and try to gradually get control back.

Everyone needs to be safely buckled in, of course, as always. Keep extra gloves and blankets in the car in case you do get stuck and have to wait for help. If you’re going to be driving a longer distance, be sure you have an emergency kit that includes a can for melting snow to drink, flares to get attention, and other items. You can get a terrific checklist for what to include at

Basically, when driving in the winter, give yourself extra time to start and to stop, and remember – the person in the other car is probably not paying attention to the road conditions, so be prepared for them to make a mistake.

Drive safely and enjoy that beautiful snow!