Au pair extension program

Au pairs come on a 12 month, J-1 visa. If they complete the requirements for their first year, they can extend with the program for up to a second year. This can be great for families who want to have the continuity of two full years with the same person. No learning curve!

Au pairs can choose to change families for their second year, instead of staying with their first family. This is generally because they would like to experience another part of the US. Their host family writes a recommendation for them and their profiles become available to families seeking a new au pair.

Second year au pairs can work out very well for families. The au pair has already gotten through the worst of any homesickness, and she understands exactly what the job of an au pair in the US is. They have probably been driving in US traffic, and their English has improved. Some families really enjoy these benefits. The only drawback is that the au pair can’t extend again, so it’s not for families who are looking for two years with the same caregiver.

You can see mini-profiles of many of the au pairs interested in extending by going to