Tag Archives: thanksgiving fun for kids

Happy Thanksgiving Day!

NOLturkeyTHANKSGIVING falls on the fourth Thursday of November. It is as a legal holiday in the United States and commemorates the feast held at Plymouth in 1621 by the Pilgrim colonists and members of the Wampanoag people. The feast was held to honor God and give him thanks for harvest and health.

Thanksgiving has religious and cultural origins but is also celebrated in a secular fashion.

The most common dishes on a Thanksgiving table are: TURKEY, sweet potato casserole, collard greens, squash, cornbread stuffing, cranberry sauce and in New Orleans – shrimp and grits.

During a traditional ceremony at the White House, the president of the United States “pardons the turkey” which means the bird can spend the rest of its days back on the farm rather than on a Thanksgiving table.

The day after Thanksgiving, on BLACK FRIDAY people rush to the stores to buy highly discounted merchandise. Black Friday is considered the beginning of the Christmas shopping season.

Thanksgiving Fun For Kids

Here are some activities you can do with the children to celebrate Thanksgiving.  Click here to find crafts, coloring sheets, spelling worksheets, math puzzles,  nametags and more.


