Child Focus

Homework – Now that the school year is well under way, your host children may have more homework than before.  Tips to help everyone get homework done can be found here

Driving – Keeping children happy in the car can be challenging. One helpful approach is to engage them in car games in the safety of their car seat or seat belt.

I Spy:  Very young children can play”” I Spy with my little eye”” and they say the color of the thing they are looking at and everyone else in the car needs to guess what it is.  For example, “”I spy my with my little eye something red”” and people guess that the child is looking at a red car or red mailbox.

Alphabet Game- ages 3 and up – Children who can identify letters and can easily see out the window of the car can play this game. One child starts with A and has to find a word on a sign visible from the car with the letter A. The next child has to identify the B, and so on.  Older children can play the Geography Game.  One person starts by saying aloud a country, city or state and the next person must take the last letter to begin his country, city or state.  For example: 1st person says New York and the next person can say Kansas and the next person can say Seattle.

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