Tag Archives: cluster meeting

August Au Pair Cluster Meeting — Movies on the Block

Movies on the BlockOur August cluster meeting took place at Providence’s only outdoor movie theater, “Movies on the Block”. We brought blankets, lawn chairs, popcorn and snacks, and watched “Dog Day Afternoon”, starring a very young Al Pacino…It was a great way to spend a summer evening! “Movies on the Block” features a move every Thursday beginning early in June and running through late September, movies are screened outside at dusk on the corner of Westminster St. and Union St. It is free, and open to the public.

April Meeting at The Cheesecake Factory

  2011-04-Cheesecake Factory 3Our April cluster meeting involved dinner at the Cheesecake Factory at Providence Place Mall.   Some au pairs brought friends along — it was so nice to have them as our guests.   Our newest au pairs, Fanny and Gabriela, had the opportunity to meet some of our group for the very first time.  It was a very enjoyable  evening!!!2011-04 Cheesecake Factory 2

2011-04 Cheesecake Factory 1

Zumba Class

IMG_0694IMG_0690IMG_0701IMG_0695We all participated in a Zumba class during our February 20th cluster meeting – which was held at “The Spot” on Thayer Street.  Zumba has become a popular fitness program inspired by Latin dance. The word “Zumba” comes from a Colombian word that means “to move fast and have fun”….and that is exactly what we did!  Many thanks to Patrice, our Zumba teacher, for giving us a really good (and really fun) workout!

Au Pairs Enjoy Yoga Class on Thayer Street in Providence

Relaxing in Child's poseIMG_0575 (2)

Smiling faces






Au Pairs participated in a yoga class during their October cluster meeting. For some it was their first class – but it is not likely to be their last! It’s a great way to increase strength and flexibility, and to decrease stress. Everyone seemed to enjoyed the class, though it appeared that they enjoyed final relaxation and mediation the most! Our class/meeting was held at a studio on Thayer Street, a fun area that offers plenty to do — giving au pairs the opportunity to continue to socialize after our meeting. With Brown University and RISD nearby, Thayer Street is always bustling with activity; there are plenty of coffee shops, cafes, restaurants, a movie theater, and more. 

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