Tag Archives: Jack-o-Lantern Spectacular

Halloween Safety Tips for Au Pairs and their Children

Halloween is a very exciting time for kids in the United States (and for their au pairs, too!). It involves costumes, decorations, and “trick or treating”. To make sure that Halloween is safe for your kids, take some time to talk about safety for the holiday, including being a safe pedestrian, costume tips, and avoiding a candy “binge”. Taking the time to talk about it in advance will help on Halloween night, when the children might be too excited about costumes and candy to think clearly.

Caregivers must ensure that kids are visible to cars when they are outside trick or treating, and that they take precautions while walking. Children should go out with an adult, cross the street at corners or crosswalks, and look both ways before crossing the street. Carry a flashlight or glow sticks, and incorporate reflective materials into costumes.

If you are driving, anticipate heavy pedestrian traffic that evening, drive slowly, and be alert in residential neighborhoods. As always, avoid any distractions in the car.

Check candy for any signs of tampering before children eat anything. Any treats with a torn wrapper should be discarded. Also discard any home-made treats which may have been received from strangers.

Have fun!

Jack-o-Lantern Spectacular – Roger Williams Park

It was a little damp and chilly, but that didn’t stop au pairs from enjoying the Jack-o-Lantern Spectacular at Roger Williams Park Zoo on the night of October 23! The Jack-o-Lantern Spectacular features a breathtaking display of 5,000 illuminated jack-o-lanterns, many artistically carved by artists and craftsmen of “Passion for Pumpkins”.  It is truly a spectacular event not to be missed!

Jack O Lantern SpectacularJack 3

Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular at Roger Williams Park Zoo, Providence, RI


Though we will not be organizing a cluster event at the Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular this year, it would be a fun event for au pairs to attend — either with host children and families, or with a group of friends. The nationally renowned Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular is an annual event which features a night time display of 5,000 illuminated jack-o-lanterns. Well over 100 of the pumpkins are carved into works of art, and presented in themed scenes with music. This year’s event will run from October 3 – November 3. It’s a one-of-a-kind experience that truly lives up to its name – spectacular! For more information, visit their website: http://rwpzoo.org/178/jack-o-lantern-spectacular