Monthly Archives: August 2014

Eat, Pray, Love for our Au Pair Unbirthday Party – August 2014

A fabulous group of young women from around the world gathered in my backyard to meet each other (some for the first time),  celebrate an “unbirthday party” giving each other gifts that they could not live without as an au pair here in the US (lots of chocolate, some tools of the job, beauty products and a surprising Seahawks theme to a few more…) We then watched on the big outdoor screen a woman on a journey around the world who finds herself in “Eat, Pray, Love”.  Hmmm….familiar.  The movie closed with this,

“In the end, I’ve come to believe in something I call “The Physics of the Quest.” A force in nature governed by laws as real as the laws of gravity. The rule of Quest Physics goes something like this: If you’re brave enough to leave behind everything familiar and comforting, which can be anything from your house to bitter, old resentments, and set out on a truth-seeking journey, either externally or internally, and if you are truly willing to regard everything that happens to you on that journey as a clue and if you accept everyone you meet along the way as a teacher and if you are prepared, most of all, to face and forgive some very difficult realities about yourself, then the truth will not be withheld from you.”

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