Tag Archives: halloween san antonio

Halloween Safety Tips


Halloween can be a lot of fun but it is also a time when safety should come first. Here are some tips for next week:

  • Adult supervision is essential. Always accompany the children if they are going door to door to trick or treat
  • Try trick-or-treat-friendly homes. Ensure the children only visit houses with lights on. And, you might also suggest the houses they visit have some sort of Halloween decoration on the porch.
  • Stay outside. Make sure the children don’t go inside someone’s house. They can trick or treat on the porch.
  • Remain visible. Dress the children in bright costumes or have them wear reflective strips or carry a glow stick or flashlight.
  • Quality-check treats. Check the candy before they eat it. Throw out any candy that is not in its original wrapper or looks like it has been tampered with.
  • Say “no” to strangers. Remind the children to never accept a ride or go anywhere with a stranger.

October Cluster Meeting

Today, we met at Panera Bread to talk about Halloween (shared some safety tips as well as “how to carve a pumpkin” instructions) and discussed the au pairs’ Global Awareness Presentations (our mission is to introduce young children to other cultures and help them form a positive first impression of people from other cultures).

We also welcomed Agnes who just arrived from Austria!! 🙂


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Left to right: Zuzana from Czech Republic, Saaynaam from Thailand, Johanna from Colombia, Annerien from South Africa, Nut from Thailand, and Agnes from Austria.


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Johanna from Colombia and Nut from Thailand received their Education Certificate after fulfilling the educational component of the program (6 credits or approx. 72 classroom hours at an accredited Post-secondary institution).


…and handed out some APIA Certificates of completion!  🙂


P.S.: Don’t forget, pics for our Pumpkin Carving Contest must be submitted before November 2nd!!