Author Archives: Diane Wallace

2012 Annual Scavenger Hunt!

Au Pairs from DC/MD and VA came together on October 14th to participate in the annual scavenger hunt.  This year's theme was the Presidential Election 2012.

Au Pairs from DC/MD and VA came together on October 14th to participate in the annual scavenger hunt. This year's theme was the Presidential Election 2012.

“Au Pairs” by 8 year old Morgan – Ashley Howes’ Host Child

Au Pairs

I had three Au Pairs
Who were very nice and cared
They became my friends and a part of our family
Which could be very handy.

I enjoy spending time alone with them
They sometimes give me a makeover
So I could be ready for my sleepover.

It is so sad when they have to leave
Then the new Au Pair comes and I feel relieved
I loved all three of my Au Pairs
How lucky I am to know that someone will always be there.

Morgan, 8 years old – Ashley Howes’ Host Child