Tag Archives: 911

In Case of an Emergency: Dial 9-1-1

dialing 911 on the phone will connect you with an operator trained to handle and dispatch emergency services.  It is used all across the country.  School-aged children should know to call 911 also – discuss when it would be appropriate such as fire (but don’t call from the house that is burning!) or when someone seems to be seriously hurt and there is no adult to help.

Photo: BenSpark


The National September 11 Memorial (New York, USA)

Take a moment today to remember victims of the 2001 September 11 attacks, often referred to as 9/11 (pronounced nine-eleven) On this day, hijackers intentionally crashed two airplanes in to the World Trade Center in New York City causing them to collapse. Hijackers crashed a third airliner into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, just outside of Washington, D.C. The fourth plane crashed into a field in rural Pennsylvania, after some of its passengers and flight crew attempted to retake control of the plane.

Photo: Paul Arps