Tag Archives: activity

Make Your Own Play Dough

Play dough is the perfect modeling material for children. Their small hands can pat, poke, pinch, roll and knead it into many shapes. Keep it in an airtight container to use another day, or let it air dry into favorite shapes.


Measure 2 cups of flour, one cup of salt and 4 teaspoons of cream of tartar into a bowl. Add 1/4 cup of oil to one cup of water in a separate bowl then add the mixture to the dry ingredients. For colored play dough, squeeze 10-20 drops of food coloring into the water before you add it to the mixture. Cook the dough at low heat in a wide pan, stirring constantly until it becomes rubbery. Remove the dough from the heat and knead it for a few minutes. When it cools the kids can play too!

Photo: Kevin Jarrett (Flickr)

2014 Au Pair in America DC Regional Cultural Fair


Au Pair in America is hosting a DC Regional Cultural Fair

Au pairs representing over 35 different countries will provide: children’s activities, performances, visual displays, face painting and a cultural parade. This event is open to the public. Anyone interested in learning about other cultures and the Au Pair in America program are invited.


Saturday, April 5, 2014
1:00-3:00 PM
Spanish Ballroom

Glen Echo Park
7300 MacArthur Boulevard
Glen Echo, Maryland 20812

Check out this video from our last Regional Cultural Fair:

For more information, please contact Diane Wallace at dwaupair@gmail.com or Gwen Remy at gwen.aupair@gmail.com