An au pair can truly make a huge difference in the lives of a host family, especially during extraordinary times like these. Check out this beautiful reflection from one of our host families in Maryland about their experiencing hosting au pair Pauline during the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact she’s made on their lives.
In addition to helping us manage the craziness of four kids who are juggling Zoom sessions, online school work, and trying to find ways to use their time productively, Pauline has been a stabilizing and calming influence on our family through it all. With so much uncertainty about what the future holds, Pauline has excelled at being someone the kids can trust to talk to about what is going on.
When the older three kids were at school, Pauline was always great at finding various activities to keep Jo (our 3 y/o daughter) engaged and learning. But with all of the kids home together all day, this experience has really shown us how much she can mentor and help lead our three pre-teen/teenagers through this difficult experience. In some ways, Jo could not be happier to have everyone around all of the time now, but it has been Pauline’s ability to help the three older kids to cope with the mental challenges, uneasiness, and stress of the unknown that has really impressed us with Pauline.
We certainly did not need this crisis to know that our family could not thrive without Pauline in our lives, but her love, guidance, and calmness under the pressures of us all home together has further proven that we simply could not function they way we do without her. We are so thankful for all she does for all of the kids (and for us as parents too)!
We are just so blessed to have her with us. She has weathered this very difficult last few months with grace and toughness. She’s a wonderful example to our daughters and sons.
Interested in hosting an au pair like Pauline? Learn more about the Au Pair in America program today.