Yearly Archives: 2012

Mother's Day is May 13th

happy_mothers_day-300x222Mother’s Day is celebrated each year in the U.S. on the second Sunday in May. This year that is May 13. It is always a nice gesture to do something for your host mom. You could help the children make a surprise for her or give her a card yourself. Any gesture is appreciated. Don’t forget to send a special message to your own mom back home. Without her love and support, you wouldn’t be here today. :)

Looking for some great Mother’s Day ideas?    Check out the Au Pair in America Mother’s Day pin board on Pinterest.

May 8 – Teacher Appreciation Day


May 8 – Teacher Appreciation Day

Today is a day to honor teachers – if your child is in school he or she might want to make a card for the teacher.  Preschool age children 3-5 love playing school.  Let the child be the teacher and read you a story or give you homework.  You might want to invite some dolls or stuffed animals into the classroom as well.  You may also want to check out some other ideas by going to the APIA School pinboard for lots of teacher appreciation gift ideas!

Tour of the Nation's Capitol

On April 14th, four clusters from Annapolis, Baltimore, Columbia and N. Virginia participated in a tour of the Nation’s Capitol.  The US Capitol is the most widely recognized symbol of democratic government in the world. It has housed Congress since 1800.  The Capitol is where Congress meets to write the laws of this nation, and where presidents are inaugurated and deliver their State of the Union messages.  For more than two centuries, the Capitol has grown along with the nation, adding new wings to accommodate the increasing number of senators and representatives as new states entered the Union.  Its ceilings are decorated with historic images, and its halls are lined with statutes and paintings representing great events and people from the nation’s history.  The Rotunda is the heart and center of the Capitol.  Although it serves no legislative function, it is a ceremonial space where state funerals have been held since the time of Abraham Lincoln, for presidents, members of Congress, military heroes, and eminent citizens.  Visiting heads of state and special guests are often received in the Rotunda, and many historic events have been celebrated there.  It was a wonderful experience for our au pairs to learn the history of this beautiful building and gain a better appreciation of how our system of government works.

Spring Celebrations are here

Celebrating Easter




Easter is one of the most awaited Christian festivals. It is celebrated throughout the world by the followers of Christian community. It is considered to be very auspicious as it is believed that this was the day when Christ resurrected after crucifixion. This day is of immense religious as well as social significance amongst the Christian community.


Church services and festive celebrations blend together during the Easter weekend. On Easter Sunday in New York and other cities, large Easter parades are held.  Easter in USA is also very much commercialized. Easter symbols like bunnies, Easter tree, Easter Eggs and Easter lamb are found in different forms during the Easter festivities throughout the market. The popular trend of Easter symbols such as the Easter bunny and egg tree were introduced to the American folklore by the German settlers who arrived in the Pennsylvania Dutch country during the 1700s. Gradually American people took to crafts such as egg and Easter tree decoration. Easter in US is also a time to enjoy special Easter foods such as baked ham, potatoes and vegetables. Several special recipes are made at each home. Easter parties are also organized where traditional Easter delicacies are served and people enjoy wonderful get together along with Easter games and music.


For children’s Easter games and activities go to:


Observing Passover



Passover is an eight day celebration observed each year by the Jewish religion. It commemorates the freedom of Jewish slaves from Egypt during the reign of Pharaoh Ramses II.   Families celebrate Passover by having a seder. With special foods, songs, and customs, the Seder is the focal point of the Passover celebration. Seder means order, and the Passover story is read in order from a book called a haggadah.

Fearing that Jews were becoming too strong, a Pharaoh decreed that all male Jewish babies were to be killed. Jocheved and Amran, a Jewish couple, wanted to save their infant son – so they put him in a basket that floated him down the river. The infant was rescued by the Pharaoh’s daughter and she raised him as her own son. She named the baby Moses, which means “take from the water.”

When Moses grew up, he empathized with the Jewish slaves and tried to get the Pharaoh to free them. The Pharaoh refused – so there were 10 plagues sent down to Egypt: Blood, Frogs, Lice, Beasts, Cattle Disease, Boils, Hail, Locusts, Darkness, and Slaying of the Firstborn. The name Passover comes from the Plague of Slaying the Firstborn. The Angel of Death passed over the homes of the Jews who had put lambs blood on their doors.

After the 10th plague, Pharaoh agreed to let the Jewish slaves go. They gathered up their belongings quickly, and didn’t have time for their bread to rise, so they had to bake it and take it the way it was. This is why the Jewish people eat matzah during Passover.   As the Jews were fleeing, Pharaoh changed his mind, and sent his army after the people to bring them back. Moses parted the Red Sea for the Jews to cross, and as soon as they were safely to the other side, the waters closed on the soldiers, drowning them all. The Jewish people were free.

For children’s activities go to:

Travelling outside the U.S.?

If you are planning to travel outside the U.S. during your first year,your DS-2019 will need a travel signature. You will also need to check if you need a visa to enter the country you intend to visit. Obtaining a tourist visa is solely the responsibility of the au pair.

~ Three weeks before you plan to travel, mail your original DS-2019 Form and a self-addressed stamped envelope (so your signed DS-2019 may be returned to you)to:

Au Pair in America

River Plaza

9 West Broad Street

Stamford, CT 06902

Attn: Evelyn Blum

Have a great trip!×221.jpg

Hints for success – Be a good buddy

Do you remember what it is like to be a new au pair? Feeling excited, nervous, anxious, a little homesick all at the same time. As we enter the spring, and especially the summer, months you will have plenty of opportunities to welcome a new au pair. Take time this week to:

* Arrange to meet a new au pair for coffee

*Take her out and show her where to buy shampoo, clothes, etc.

*Accompany her to the next cluster meeting

*If you have a busy work week, at least send an email

St.Patrick's Day Celebrated

This past month has seen some unseasonably warm weather, and that made getting out and about even more fun! On March 17th, St. Patrick’s Day was celebrated. St. Patrick is said to have given a sermon from a hilltop that drove all the snakes from Ireland. St. Patrick’s Day has been celebrated in the U.Sl. since 1737. Traditional icons of the day are the shamrock, leprechaun, the color green and the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

The Annual Baltimore St. Patrick’s Day Parade was held on March 11 this year, beginning at the historic Mt. Vernon statue of George Washington. It proceeded down Charles Street and finished at the Inner Harbor. Imagine my surprise when I saw two au pairs of my cluster riding in the parade!! Marite Donayre, from Peru, and Sabrina Fantoni, from Brazil, just happened to be at the beginning area of the parade, and were invited to ride in a vintage car in the parade. I always say au pairs have the most fun!

Central Maryland Cultural Fair a big success!

The Bowie, Columbia and Annapolis Cluster put on the Central Maryland Cultural Fair.  There were over 40 au pairs representing 13 countries through food, music, games, literature and slide shows.  Traditional dance performances were demonstrated by Peru and Bolivia and the au pairs from S. Africa sang their national anthem for all in attendance.  Host families and interested families dropped by the Bowie Library to join in the festivities.  Children were handed out passports and received stickers for their books as they travelled to each country’s table.  It was a joy to see the au pairs proudly share their culture and a wonderful way to spend a Saturday afternoon.


February –20 President’s Day

by courtneyyyys

photo by courtneyyyys

School is closed today!  President’s Day is a Federal holiday created to commemorate the births of former Presidents George Washington (Feb. 22) and Abraham Lincoln (Feb. 12). Throughout America, Presidents’ Day is observed by big sales in the stores, closed schools and no mail delivery.

Things to do with children: The United States has had more than 40 presidents. How many can the children name? Who has been president during their lifetime? Take a look at American coins and bills; who are the Presidents pictured on each coin and bill?