Author Archives: Bettina Velona

Au Pairs do yoga

This month, we met at Together in Motion in Arlington to practice yoga together.  Au pairs seemed to have a good time doing so.

Afterwards, we had some time to chat and connect.  We said good-bye to Erika who is going back to Italy, and we welcomed Marketa from the Czech Republic.  It is nice to see how my au pairs use these meetings to connect with each other.  Au pairs also check in with me about issues that come up for them.

For more photos, go to Yoga 2015

Valentine’s Meeting


In February, we gathered at my house for Valentine’s Treats.  Au pairs shared stories about the significance of Valentine’s Day in their countries and things they might do to celebrate it.  At this meeting, we welcomed Justine who joined us from another cluster.

We also talked about how to file taxes.  This is something that au pairs are required to do.  Although it is a fairly easy process, it can be daunting when you are from a different country and have never done it before.

For more photos go to Valentine’s Photos. 

Au pairs go snowtubing

This January, we joined other Boston area clusters for some night time snowtubing at Nashoba Valley.  Au pairs had a good time on the slopes as well as in the lodge. Counselors provided hot chocolate and snacks.

We said good-bye to Alita and Aurore who are finished with their au pair year.  We welcomed new au pair Vanessa to our group.

For more photos, go to snowtubing 2015


Au Pairs Celebrate the Holidays at ArtLounge in Arlington, MA


In December, we joined another local au pair cluster and celebrated the holiday season at ArtLounge in Arlington.

Au Pairs had a chance to mingle, listen to holiday music and enjoy refreshments.  They also participated in a fun Yankee Swap.

Half way through the evening, an artist came in to lead those who chose to paint through the steps of creating their own painting.  It was interesting to observe how each au pair put her personal touch to the painting.






For more photos of our celebration, go to Holiday Party.

Au Pairs do Make-Up


For our November cluster meeting, make-up artist Barbora, one of our au pairs, offered to do other au pairs’ makeup.   It was nice to see her at work and see faces transformed by her art.

At this meeting, I provided a handout about child safety and we discussed the different ways of keeping the children safe.

We also welcomed Vanessa, who arrived from Germany that month.

For more photos, go to November 2014

Au Pair Pumpkin Carving

In October, we got together at my house for some pumpkin carving and Halloween treats.  It is a nice cultural experience as Halloween is not celebrated in all countries.  Some au pairs had fun fun dressing up.  We had a chance to welcome Soraya to our cluster and say good-bye to Bee and Asia who are going home in November.

For more photos go to October 2014

Photo Contest

We know there are great photographers out there!  Do you have a favorite shot of the year?  Please enter the APIA photo contest.  The deadline is November 5th.  Winners of each category will receive a $200 gift card and $25 for the runners up ~ the categories are:

  • Family portrait
  • Sharing Cultures
  • Helping Hands
  • Young Ones
  • Community service
  • The spirit of America
  • Best in Show

Be creative, show us what you’ve got.  Get details and everything you need to enter here:

The winner could end up on the cover our 2015 brochure!




Goblins and Ghosts stay safe!


  1. Make sure to inspect the children’s Trick Or Treat candy to make sure everything is in a sealed wrapper and appears safe.
  2. Small children should not eat hard candy because of chocking.
  3. Children should be supervised when they go Trick-or-Treating.  Many parents will come home early from work on the day to go with their children.  Check with Host Parents about this.

Halloween Safety Tips for Drivers

Halloween is a wonderful holiday, but because of increased foot traffic and that Trick-or-Treaters are out at night, the potential for automobile related accidents with young pedestrians increases four times on this night according to a CDC (Center for Disease Control) study.

Streets are literally crawling with all sorts of witches, ghosts, goblins, vampires and all other sorts of costumed people. This makes for added responsibility for drivers to make sure that they drive safer than normal.

In many areas, people drive their kids into subdivisions and let them out to walk from house to house. Usually the parent follows behind in the car. This can cause traffic jams in small areas and much confusion as kids dart between cars on the streets going from house to house. A driver is already distracted because they are trying to keep an eye on their own kids and usually aren’t paying attention to much else.

Children and adults tend to be preoccupied and may not pay as much attention to safety as they should. They may not see your vehicle or just assume that you see them automatically. Stay on the defensive and you shouldn’t have a problem while driving on Halloween night

* Don’t use a cell phone or other electronic device while driving on Halloween night. You shouldn’t be doing this anyway, the rate of cell phone related auto accidents has jumped dramatically since the use of cell phones and texting has risen so high. Some states have already made laws concerning this and others are working on it.

Make sure your child carries a flashlight, glow stick or has reflective tape on their costume to make them more visible to cars. Left them know if they carry a flash light to never shine itin the eyes of a driver. This can cause blindness on the drivers part temporarily and they may not see  your child

Annual Host Family Workshop

Once or twice a year, Au Pair in America counselors offer a host family workshop that gives host families the chance to connect and discuss aspects of the host family – au pair relationship.  This is in compliance with State Department regulations to hold an event like this once a year.


This year, I joined 3 other counselors we met our host families on a beautiful day at Honeypot Hill Orchards in Stow, MA for an apple picking picnic.  Many au pairs attended as well.   We enjoyed conversations, apple cider donuts and apple cider.  Host children participated in cookie decorating and fall craft activities.

For more photos go to host family day 2014