Yearly Archives: 2012

First Prize for the International Peace Day competition

Meet Your Global Neighbor

In honor of the International Day of Peace which is celebrated on Sept 21, Au Pair in America au pairs submitted their visions of peace.  Heike Krizun, a community counselor in MA encouraged her au pairs to work together to create  one entry.  Here is a quilt of many colors from many nations.  This is cultural exchange in action; the au pairs are learning about each other and from each other-the first step towards peace in another generation.  Check this out:

The Winning Entry!  A quilt from many nations. Brookline, MA Cluster Created Winning Entry

Heide's APs Au Pairs at work

Celebrating Rosh Hashanah



Rosh Hashanah is a Jewish Holiday commonly referred to as the Jewish New Year.  It is observed on the first day of Tishrei, the seventh month of the Hebrew calendar. Rosh Hashanah is the first of the high Holidays specifically set aside to focus on repentance that concludes with the holiday of Yom Kippur.  Rosh Hashanah is the start of the civil year in the Hebrew calendar.  It is the New Year for people, animals, and legal contracts. Jewish people believe Rosh Hashanah represents either analogically or literally the creation of the World, or Universe.

On Rosh Hashanah, Jewish people all over the world gather in synagogues to celebrate the day.  The holiday is celebrated with sweet foods, like apples dipped in honey and honey cake and round Challot made with honey and raisins as a wish for a sweet year.

Here is a link to children’s games and activities to celebrate the holiday.  It includes information, art projects, crafts, stories and recipes:

Rosh Hashanah will is celebrated for two days, Monday September 17th and Tuesday September 18th.  The two day holiday will begin at sundown on Sunday evening.

Wishing all our host families,au pairs and friends a very happy Holiday!

September Clustermeeting

We had an amazing meeting today at my house with many new aupairs who arrived over the summer and needed to get to know each other.

We had to say good bye to Linda from Germany who will return home in October and who shared her great time here as aupair for one year with us.

In addition we worked on an art project for the International Peace Day which will be on Sept 21. Everybody was pretty busy with the project, chatting, eating and  enjoying our sunny New England weather outdoors.

Jana, a standart aupair, Lara an educare aupair and Franzi an extraordinaire aupair. All from Germany

Jana, a standart aupair, Lara an educare aupair and Franzi an extraordinaire aupair. All from Germany

Victoria, Lovisa and Caroline from Sweden working on the art project together

Victoria, Lovisa and Caroline from Sweden working on the art project together

Amy-Louise from South Africa with Monike and Vanessa from Brazil

Amy-Louise from South Africa with Monike and Vanessa from Brazil

First pieces come together for our cluster project for International Peace Day on Sept 21

First pieces come together for our cluster project for International Peace Day on Sept 21

Jamie from South Korea with Natalie and Kristina from Germany

Jamie from South Korea with Natalie and Kristina from Germany

Katja and Michelle from Germany with Lovisa from Sweden

Katja and Michelle from Germany with Lovisa from Sweden

Anais from France and Vanessa from Brazil

Anais from France and Vanessa from Brazil

Nina from Austria with her friend Esther from Germany

Nina from Austria with her friend Esther from Germany

Here is our almost finished project for the International Peace Day competition within Au Pair in America

Here is our almost finished project for the International Peace Day competition within Au Pair in America

For many more pictures please go to cluster meeting September 2012.

Back to School Tips

It’s the time of year where the schedule changes and the lazy days of summer come to an end.  This can mean changes to the au pair’s schedule.  It is a good idea for host parents and au pairs to have a discussion about any changes including new school schedules, after school activities and homework expectations.

Of course one of the important aspects of being an au pair is keeping the children safe.  Here are some back to school safety tips that I found on the internet:

Traveling to and from School

1. Plan a walking route to school or the bus stop. Choose the most direct way with the fewest street crossings and, if possible, with intersections that have crossing guards.

2. Walk the route with your child beforehand. Tell him or her to stay away from parks, vacant lots, fields and other places where there aren’t many people around.

3. Teach your child never to talk to strangers or accept rides or gifts from strangers. Remember, a stranger is anyone you or your children don’t know well or don’t trust.

4. Be sure your child walks to and from school with a sibling, friend, or neighbor.

5. Teach your kids — whether walking, biking, or riding the bus to school — to obey all traffic signals, signs and traffic officers. Remind them to be extra careful in bad weather.

6. When driving kids, deliver and pick them up as close to the school as possible. Don’t leave until they are in the schoolyard or building

7. If your child bikes to school, make sure he wears a helmet that meets one of the safety standards (U.S. CPSC, Snell, ANSI, ASTM, or Canadian). Research indicates that a helmet can reduce the risk of head injury by up to 85 percent.

8. If your child rides a scooter to school, make sure she wears sturdy shoes, a helmet, kneepads and elbow pads. Children under age 12 should not ride motorized scooters, according to recent recommendations from the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

9. Teach children to arrive at the bus stop early, stay out of the street, wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before approaching the street, watch for cars and avoid the driver’s blind spot.

10. Remind your children to stay seated at all times and keep their heads and arms inside the bus while riding. When exiting the bus, children should wait until the bus comes to a complete stop, exit from the front using the handrail to avoid falls and cross the street at least 10 feet (or 10 giant steps) in front of the bus.

11. Tell your child not to bend down in front of the bus to tie shoes or pick up objects, as the driver may not see him before starting to move.

12. Be sure that your child knows his or her home phone number and address, your work number, the number of another trusted adult and how to call 911 for emergencies.

Kayaking for our August cluster meeting

We met with our aupairs in our cluster today for a  kayaking event as our August cluster meeting at the Charles River.

Many new aupairs who just arrived last week had a chance to get connections to others and saw the Boston skyline for their first time. We had wonderful weather and it was dry and not too hot to paddle along the river through the salt and pepper bridge that connects Boston with Cambridge.

After signing in we waited for everybody to be there

After signing in we waited for everybody to be there

Lu from Brazil with Jessica and Hannah from South Africa

Lu from Brazil with Jessica and Hannah from South Africa

Franzi, Theresa and Lara from Germany who arrived just 2 days ago in Boston

Franzi, Theresa and Lara from Germany who arrived just 2 days ago in Boston

Sammi and Jamie from South Korea shared a kayak together

Joyce from China and Jamie from South Korea shared a kayak together

Vanessa from Brazil with her friend also shared one kayak

Vanessa from Brazil with her friend Mayara also shared one kayak

Afterwards we had a pic nic together to share information about education together

Afterwards we had a picnic together to share information about education and other parts of the aupair program

For some aupairs it was also their last cluster meeting because they will go home after being an aupair for one successful year like Maria from Germany does in the Educare program. Or like Hannah from South Africa who will extend her stay as an aupair in the standart aupair program for another year in a different area of the US.

It was a wonderful meeting to share memories, exchange experiences to give out hints and tips for new aupairs and to enjoy the outdoors together. To see all pix please go to Kayaking August cluster meeting 2012.

100 Things to do with kids this summer

100 Things To Do With Your Kids This Summer!

It’s officially summer and what a great time to get outside and have some FUN! With the kids out of school and home during most of the day, it is a good idea to plan some activities that will keep them entertained and have a great time doing it! Check out the APiA Summer Fun Pinterest Board for some terrific new ideas, crafts, and creative snacking.
