Tag Archives: aupair cluster meeting

June cluster meeting in the Boston Common

Sabnine from Austria together with her hostchild

Sabine from Austria

Charlotte from France

Charlotte from France

Paula from Colombia with Charlotte from France

Paula from Colombia with Charlotte from France

Sammi from South Korea, Joyce from China and Anne from France

Sammi from South Korea, Joyce from China and Anne from France

We spend our June cluster meeting at the Frog Pond in the Boston Common. We welcomed Sammi, a new aupair from South Korea to our cluster and shared some experience to deal with the heat wave we had in Boston for some days.

For more pictures go to June cluster meeting 2012.

Walk for Hunger

Team Au Pair in America for the Walk for Hunger

Team Au Pair in America for the Walk for Hunger

Sabine and Theresa from Austria who finished 20 miles with many others

Sabine and Theresa from Austria who finished 20 miles with many others

Yesterday our team Au Pair in America walked the Walk for Hunger to help the community raise money and awareness about hunger in MA.

Many of the team finished the 20 miles: Ladys from Panama, Candice from South Africa, Charlotte from France, Susanna from Costa Rica, Maye from Mexico, Ruanpen from Thailand, Sabine and Theresa from Austria.

Sabine and Theresa : Just 5 more miles back to Boston....

Sabine and Theresa : Just 5 more miles back to Boston....

For more pictures please go to Walk for Hunger 2012

April Cluster meeting in the Blue Hills

We enjoyed the view from the Blue Hills of the Boston skyline at our April cluster meeting. We started at the Trailside museum in Milton. This is a great place where aupairs can take kids to visit the museum with live animals who are in our forest and to enjoy the nature outdoors as well.

A 20 min hike over a rocky walkway leads to the outlook with picnic tables. Many families come here from the greater Boston area to enjoy hiking on easy and more challanging trails.

Boston skyline from the top of the Blue Hills

Boston skyline from the top of the Blue Hills

From left to right: Me, Jen from Fance, Christina from Germany, Camille and Charlotte from France

From left to right: Me, Jen from France, Christina from Germany, Camille and Charlotte from France

Christina from Germany

Christina from Germany

To view more pics please go to Blue Hills 2012.