Tag Archives: clustermeeing

Apple Picking for Au Pairs and Host families

Three counselors hosted the event at Carver Hill Orchard

Three counselors hosted the event at Carver Hill Orchard

Last Sunday three cluster hosted this annual host family and au pair event at an apple picking orchard in Stow. Host families had a chance to chat with each other and got to know the cluster better. The kids could decorate cookies, pick apples in the orchard and participated in heyrides . Everybody enjoyed the fresh made donuts with apple cidre from the farm.

left to right: Katrine from Denmark, Janika from Germany, Ashleigh from the UK, Candice from South Africa, Theresa from Austria, Heike, the community counselor from Boston, Jane from Germany, Anita from Germany, Sabine from Austria, Aurelie from France and Karoline from Germany

left to right: Katrine from Denmark, Janika from Germany, Ashleigh from the UK, Candice from South Africa, Theresa from Austria, Heike, the community counselor from Boston, Jane from Germany, Anita from Germany, Sabine from Austria, Aurelie from France and Karoline from Germany

For more pictures please go to Apple picking 2011.