Author Archives: Ana Ostlund

Tax Information for Au Pairs

Tax Information for Au Pairs
The Basics
What Are Taxes?
The U.S. government collects a portion of the money you earn in the U.S. This is a tax to support the nation’s services and
facilities. In this document it is referred to as federal taxes. Many states collect a portion of the money you earn. This money is to support state or local municipality services and facilities. In this document it is referred to as state taxes.
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is a government agency that is responsible for collecting taxes. This is a federal agency.
Depending on where your host family resided and how much you earned, you may be required to pay state taxes. These taxes would be paid to a tax collector in the state and not the IRS.
Why Do I Have to Pay?
It is the law in the U.S. to file a federal tax form if you earned more than the personal exemption amount. For 2016, the personal exemption amount is $4,050. If you earned more than this amount in the calendar year 2016, then you will need to
file a tax form and pay a tax on the amount over $4,050 that you earned.
In some states it is the law to file a state tax form. Whether you owe state taxes may depend on how much you earned during
the calendar year in the state and how much you paid in federal taxes.
Social Security Number
You will need a Social Security number to file taxes. If you don’t already have one go to: for information on how to obtain one
Form 1040NR-EZ is a U.S. federal income tax form for non-residents. For most au pairs, this will be the correct form to use.
To access the form and instruction booklet go to:
Note: read the instructions carefully.
When Do I Have to Pay?
You need to report what you earned in 2016 by April 18, 2017. If you have already returned home to your country, you are still required to file taxes if you earned more than $4,050 in 2016.
Resources to Help
The IRS website has information regarding au pair and taxes. Go to
H&R Block Expat Tax Services will help au pairs, for a service fee, to prepare the federal tax form and any state tax forms that may be required. Go to for more information, including a
Q&A specifically for au pairs.
Au Pair in America is not affiliated with and is not responsible for the content on the H&R Block website.
Au Pair in America staff, including local community counselors, are not qualified to provide official federal or state tax information and
recommends using the H&R Block Expat Tax Services or another tax professional.
Au Pair in America staff are not certified tax advisors, therefore we are not qualified to give you tax advice specific to your situation. We are providing you will the following information and resources to help you. Figuring out if you owe taxes and how to pay them may seem
confusing, however, these resources will help make it easier!

January Cluster meeting

Welcome to Colorado Iris in Frisco from Peru

Welcome to Colorado Iris in Frisco from Peru

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Dinner with Cowies Family

Dinner with Cowies Family


We had a wonderful Cluster meeting in January. We welcomed 2 new  Au Pairs.Iris  from Peru, and Angel from South Africa.We enjoyed the Artwork in Breckenridge International Ice sculptures,and had a delicious dinner at the Cowies home.Thank you  !!!