Monthly Archives: July 2015

Crepes A Go Go Gathering for Au Pairs

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Victoria presents year-end certificates to Natasha (UK) and Frances (South Africa), both are extending another year so will complete two years with their Host Family.

Approximately 50 Au Pair in America Au Pairs gathered in Gaithersburg, (Kentlands Town Center) to sit outdoors and enjoy crepes as they connected with friends and their Senior Community Counselors: Imelda Farrell and Victoria Paton.


End of the Year completion certificates were presented to our July departures and each Au Pair was asked to impart some words of wisdom to those she is leaving behind: “Travel as much as you can”, “Communication with your Host Family is key to the success of your match – if you don’t understand – ask”, “Don’t go to Starbucks too often so you can save money for travel or take extra courses at college”, “Enjoy every moment – the time flies by!”

50+ Au Pairs at Crepes A Go Go in Kentlands

50+ Au Pairs at Crepes A Go Go in Kentlands



Meetings at Montgomery College: Au Pairs and Educares Plan Their Academic Studies with Counselor

Chinese Au Pairs New York TimesAu Pair in America’s Au Pairs and Educares arrive Thursday nights to their new Host Families in the Potomac, Bethesda, Cabin John and Glen Echo Cluster. To facilitate signing-up for Fall courses, they are invited to meet their Senior Community Counselor, Victoria Paton, Fridays at Montgomery College. There she will assist each young woman to register at MC, or chat with the new arrival to determine if there might be another local institute of education that would better suit her academic goals.

Au Pairs work 45 hours/week and Educare Companions 30 hours/week and in their free time it is mandated by the State Department that they study at an accredited, secondary institute of education for 72 hours (Au Pairs) or 144 hours (Educares).

au pair bmcc montreal photo

Au Pairs in Montreal with BMCC Travel Course

“It is great fun to help Au Pairs and Educares think about how they might like to fulfill their State Department education requirement: Years ago an Au Pair from Sweden had wanted to try acting, but was afraid to do it back home, fearing her friends would laugh. So she signed up for Intro to Acting at MC and enjoyed it so much she decided to apply to the New York Academy of Music and Dramatic Art – and was accepted after she completed her Au Pair year! An Au Pair from Poland came to my cluster as a non-swimmer. She took swimming at MC and finished her Au Pair year as an accomplished swimmer. An Au Pairswimmer from South Africa was taking accounting courses but decided to get in shape with MC’s Intro to Personal Training class. She had such great results and she enjoyed the supportive nature of the group, that she chose to  pursue further classes in the subject and went home to become a Certified Personal Trainer.

Lives can be enhanced and career directions changed, when a young woman, as an Au Pair/Educare, has a chance to explore the educational options in the DC area with her Counselor or Host Family.” Victoria Paton


Au Pairs participate in Culinary Program at Stratford University.

We are very fortunate to have MANY affordable options for the Au Pairs/Educares in the DC area:

Montgomery College (Credit and Workforce Development)

LADO, International Language Institute and Inlingua

BMCC Study/Travel Courses (Nashville, Boston, Chicago, Niagara Falls,  NYC etc.)

Stratford University in Tysons and Alexandria has created Au Pair survey courses in Event Management and Culinary Arts.

L’Academie de Cuisine has a series of Au Pair courses,

Georgetown University Continuing Education offers English language – related classes.

Virginia International University offers Saturday courses at museums in Washington, DC.

Au Pair in America has a joint program with UCLA for an online course with volunteer hours

Lifeguard Speaks to Au Pairs

Pool Safety was the topic that Aileen Farrell, Lifeguard at King Farm, stressed at our June Cluster meeting.  Topics covered: Being alert around and in the pool, changing room policies, what to do if a child falls in, how to assist pool life guards by supervising the children in Au Pair’s care and more.4860

There are a few great websites with information but most recently the Today show offered:




“We Love Our Au Pairs” Award Dessert Party


Forty Au Pairs joined their Community Counselor, Victoria Paton, at the Kentlands Clubhouse for an Awards Dessert Party where they were the guests of honor.

Each attending Au Pair was presented with a certificate and a rose to thank her for her contribution to her Host Family. The Host Families nominated each Au Pair for awards such as “Best Au Pair EVER”, “Best Lego Maker”, Best German Pancake Maker” etc.20150612_204555-120150612_203348-1Cake for all to enjoy20150612_203904-1
